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Oct 26, 2016

Meredith Alling is the guest. Her debut story collection Sing the Song is available now from Future Tense Books. 

In today's monologue, I talk briefly about wine.  

Oct 19, 2016

Wendy C. Ortiz is the guest. Her new book Bruja—a "dreamoir"—is available now from Civil Coping Mechanisms. 

In today's monologue, I basically just get right to the interview.


Oct 12, 2016

Mike Roberts is the guest. His debut novel, Cannibals in Love, is available now from FSG Originals. He also wrote the screenplay for the movie Goat, out in theaters now.

In today's monologue, I talk about finishing my novel. And the election. 

Oct 5, 2016

Melissa Yancy is the guest. Her debut story collection, Dog Years, is available now from the University of Pittsburgh Press. 

In today's monologue, I talk about the good lives and legacies of my Uncle Elmore and my friend Barb.