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Apr 28, 2021

Mik Grantham is the author of the debut poetry collection Hardcore, available from Short Flight / Long Drive Books.

Grantham is the founder and co-editor of Disorder Press which she runs with her brother. Her work has appeared in New World WritingHobartMaudlin HouseThe Nervous Breakdown, and Fanzine. She currently...

Apr 25, 2021

Patricia Engel is the author of the novel Infinite Country, available from Avid Reader Press. It is the official April pick of The Nervous Breakdown Book Club.

Engel is the author of The Veins of the Ocean, winner of the Dayton Literary Peace Prize; It's Not Love, It's Just Paris, winner of the International Latino Book...

Apr 21, 2021

Andrea Bajani is the author of the novel If You Kept a Record of Sins, available from Archipelago Books. It was translated from the Italian by Elizabeth Harris.

Bajani is one of the most respected and award-winning novelists and poets of contemporary Italian literature. He is the author of four novels and two...

Apr 14, 2021

Shannon McLeod is the author of the novella Whimsy, available from Long Day Press.

McLeod is also the author of the essay chapbook Pathetic (University of Indianapolis Etchings Press). Her writing has appeared in Tin House Online, Wigleaf, Hobart, Joyland Magazine, Cosmonauts Avenue, and Prairie Schooner, among...

Apr 7, 2021

Gina Frangello is the author of the memoir Blow Your House Down, available from Counterpoint Press.

This is Gina's second time on the program. She first appeared in Episode 16 on November 9, 2011.

Frangello's other books include Every Kind of WantingA Life in MenSlut Lullabies, and My Sister's Continent. Her short...